Tutoring Training with City Mosaic

Do you have a heart for children, especially children growing up and attending school in the inner city? One of City Mosaic’s focus initiatives is on serving children attending IPS schools. One of the most effective ways to do so is by becoming a tutor. Tutors not only help children learn in a difficult environment, they also provide an opportunity for these children to learn how much they are loved by others. City Mosaic’s pilot tutoring programs have been incredibly successful and rewarding to both students and tutors. The need for tutors is growing and will continue to grow in the future as City Mosaic expands its programs.

City Mosaic will be providing tutoring training on April 10 from 10:30 A.M. to 12:00 noon at IPS School 15. This training will include an explanation of the tutoriing program and the resources used, and will also focus on cultural issues that will allow tutors to be more effective in this environment. If you would like to make a difference in the life of a child growing up in a difficult environment, this is a great opportunity to get involved.

About City Mosaic: City Mosaic is a coaltion of Indianapolis Christian churches committed to transforming the city of Indianapolis. Through collaboration between suburban churches and front-line urban churches, City Mosaic seeks to unify the Body of Christ in order to create holistic solutions to the issues of poverty. Outlook is a City Mosaic Ally Church and is committed to addressing the issues of poverty in our community in order to futher God’s kingdom. You can learn more about City Mosaic at http://www.citymosaic.org.

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